There's nothing drastic here; it's just life. Death is part of life, and while it's part of nature and in some cases a release, it's still hard on those who are left behind.
So, I need some cheer, and what is more cheerful than to be able to give some accolades to deserving friends? Especially when I got those accolades in the first place?
Here, therefore, is the Bling Fling Thing Part II:
First off, I received this lovely award from Goofball of Goofball's World:

There doesn't seem to be any hard and fast rules attached to this one, so I am delighted to pass it on to several other brilliant blogs. I love each of these blogs for their writing style:
1. Greg of Scribble in the Margins - whether Greg is writing one of his gorgeous memoir-based pieces, political commentary, or simply a description of a vacation escape, his deft touch with words and his ability to get to the heart of the matter always astonishes me.
2. Jane of Confessions of a Middle-Aged Suburban Diva - Citizen Jane both cracks me up with her humorous observations of the world around her and touches me with her ongoing journey with Will. She also serves a mean bowl of cereal.
3. Meg of Prefers Her Fantasy Life - and you know, I think I prefer Meg's Fantasy Life, too. She turns motherhood on its ear, which is all the funnier since you know that in real life (shhhhh....) she's actually a super-responsible, education-reform type.
4. Anno of Anno's Place - if you've never experienced Anno's lovely prose, run over there now! I mean it.
5. Chani of Finding My Way Home - okay, so I think Chani has made a stand to ignore bling, but I just can't help it. She gives me food for thought with every post.
6. April of It's All About Balance - I've spoken about April before, and I can't help coming back to her for her strength, her clear writing and her willingness to take a stand for what she believes in.
7. Jami of Not THAT Different - Jami is the finest kind of educator - she lets us know what's going on, what should outrage us or surprise us or how to support people in a more loving manner, but she does this with humor and a touch of impishness.
8. Blogger's AnneX - even though we don't exactly know who's the mystery person/group behind Blogger's AnneX, it's a relatively new site dedicated to posting the very best of blog writing each day.
Speaking earlier of April, she awarded me this lovely award:

Despite my getting this from one of my "writing" friends, I'd love to pass this award on to some of my fave food bloggers, as they certainly produce some wonderful art in the kitchen:
1. Ben of What's Cooking. Ben is not only a superb cook, he's also been leading a fight to produce healthier chefs, more bakers, and to let the world know about the fresh, healthy ingredients that make up true Mexican food. Ben is also a networker extraordinaire, and has launched numerous challenges as well as a new forum.
2. Susan of Sticky Gooey Creamy Chewy - Susan's Tuesdays with Dorie series, using the Dorie Greenspan cookbook is a total delight, as are all of the recipes she serves up with beauty and taste! She also just might have the best blog name in history.
3. Nuria of Spanish Recipes - Nuria has educated the blog world on the true art of Spanish cooking, and never ceases to amaze me with her creations. She's on a technical hiatus now, but I hope she'll return soon!
4. Heather of Gild the Voodoo Lily - Heather does, indeed, gild the (Voodoo)lily on so many of her amazing combinations. Her restaurant and store reviews are not to be missed, either. I think she does for the cooking world what Meg does for the mommy world.
5. Jenn of The Leftover Queen - Jenni is one of the original grand networkers for foodblogging, and her Food Jousting Challenges, forums and Friday Foodie Round-ups are all wonderful forays into meeting many, many talented foodbloggers. Aside from all that, Jenn ROCKS as a cook and is very generous in sharing both her cooking talents and glimpses into her wonderful life with her new hubby.
6. Courtney of Coco Cooks - Even though Courtney's taking a semi-break right now, her talent for trying new combinations and ideas is extraordinary. Courtney is a true original and a generous and loving commentor, as well.
7. Marye for both Baking Delights
and Simply Home Remedies. Marye has absolutely taught me to be a better baker. Additionally, she is a home remedy queen and knows more about herbal remedies, uses for other objects, and taking control of your life in a more holistic manner than anyone I know. Her talents have finally been noticed by a publisher, and she is madly working on her first cookbook now. I think she could easily sell her ideas on home remedies, also. She has two other blogs, too, Kettle and Cup about all things tea and coffee.
I really could pass all of these on to all of my blogroll, but I loved the chance to be able to highlight a few of you. Maybe I have to start doing round-ups of my own...
Happy Bling Fling!
I'm so sorry about your week, Jen. I love you!! Sending virtual hugs.
PS: Are any of the other bloggers local folks? If so, we should invite them to the Google group.... :)
Yes, Patti - Anno - she's the friend I've told you about. ;-)
I am sorry you are having a rough week Jen! I really hope things look a bit sunnier soon! Even when you respect and understand the cycles of life, they are always the easiest times. :) Sending lots of hugs and warm wishes your way!
Thanks so much for the shout out! I really appreciate it! You made my day, Jen! :)
I meant "aren't always the easiest" !!!!!!!
Jenn, you have no idea how happy I am to hear from you - I was very, very worried about Fay and your continuing rainfall. It was good to see Susan posting, too.
I'm so sorry about your week, and I hope things get better soon. Sending love and hugs your way.
And thanks for the award -- made me feel all glowy!
And that's you all over; just when you need some support, you give it. Thank you! (((hugs)))
Thanks, Anno and April, things will probably get easier after tomorrow.
Please do the honor of inviting her into the Google group--if you want, Anno :)
What a beautiful blog that Anno's now in my RSS feed and I'm anxious to catch up on my reading :)
Google group?
Sending ((((hugs))) ... even though I'm clueless, it's clear you're down and I have sympathetic eye ducts, so I'm crying for you. Does it make you feel better? *G*
Anno, the googlegroup is the local blogging group that's now been made into a googlegroup. I'm trying to get info on this for you.
Marianne - I didn't mean to be mysterious. My MIL may be spiraling into her final days (she's in Stage 6 Alzheimer's so it is a mixed thing, but still sad). We also have another piggy going in for life-saving, but maybe life-threatening surgery tomorrow. I'm just pulling for her and would hate to lose her, but this surgery is her only shot for living beyond a month or so.
Thanks so much for the award--I try hard not to let folks know I have a deeper side to me.
Sorry to hear about the Alzheimer's. My uncle, who just left here from a family dinner, has it as well. Not too bad, yet, but it's basically killing my aunt to lose him more and more each day.
Hugs. Hope your week is better.
I hope you are OK. Sorry to hear about a death. To much of that lately.
Big hug and thanks for the award!
Hey Meg, sorry, I couldn't resist ;-). Sorry to hear about your uncle, too. My MIL, who I deeply adore, is in stage 6, so she has no quality of life left at this point. She's also pretty severely diabetic - so this would be a blessing in many respects.
Glamah - thanks! And thanks for your lovely blog. No deaths yet... just real problems for my MIL and a potentially life-threatening thing for one of the two piggies who are left.
I'm so sorry it's been such a rough week. Hope things start to look up soon.
Congratulations on these awards. I'll have to peek at some of these links :)
Thanks, Sandy - it will get better, I hope.
There are some great links here. ;-)
Your post is a testament to your fine character, that in the midst of your own concern and grief you make the effort to extend recognition to others.
Thank you for your kind words regarding my writing, and thank you for your presence in the blog-world...and the real world.
Thanks for the kind words, Greg! And thanks for your wonderful gifts with writing and life.
aww..thanks Jen. Hope life smooths out. :)
You're very welcome, Marye. Things will smooth - they always do.
Thank you, Jen! We're honored!
I'm really impressed with what you're trying to do, Bloggers AnneX - you deserve it!
Jen, big hugs to you. I hope things improve very soon for you.
Thanks, Charity... I'm waiting to hear from the vet now, and that will be one hurdle over.
Just came by here... and I do want to thank you for thinking of me. I'm very grateful. :)
Thank you. :)
I think you are on to something here. Giving really can beat the blues back!
Well done you on your very well deserved awards!
I used to really love these kinds of posts so I could "meet" lots of great blogs. Now that I feel like it's a good day when my reader number is below a thousand, I'm not quite as in love with them. But congrats on your much deserved awards and thank you for making my reader even more comprehensive!
Chani, I just had to think of you. ;-) BTW... I'm reading The Shack now. I want to e-mail you about it.
Jenn - especially when it's a "fun" give like this. But it's also true, focusing on others really helps to keep the blues away.
Oh, Jerseygirl, I can SO relate! In fact, I was cleaning up my blogroll and I realized that I STILL am not up to date (in fact... there's a certain Dirty Little Secret that I forgot... sheesh!)
Oh, Jen! Thanks so much for the award. I'm honored!
I'm sorry you're having a bad time. I hope that things start to get better soon.
First of all, hugs to you, my friend. My nana struggled with Alzheimer's for years and years, so I understand.
And secondly, you are too kind and sweet to recognize my crazy blog -- that has made my WHOLE day -- and probably my week! MWAH to you!
Susan - you so totally deserve it! I was particularly happy to pass on something "sweet" to you after your horrendous bookstore experience!
Jane - you have no idea how much pleasure your blog gives me on a daily basis! I'm so sorry that your Nana struggled with Alzheimer's - it's such an insidious disease.
Thanks Jen! What a caring and lovely community we have here! :)
Oh, my goodness. I swear I stopped by here three different times to say hi, and got distracted reading something else on your page instead! Sheesh.
I'm glad that your lil' ginny pig is faring better after the surgery. But I'm so sorry to hear about your uncle.
Finally, thank you so much for the award. It's extremely flattering coming from you, Jen.
I love my Purrty Jammies! :)
Muchas gracias Amiga!!!! I'm sure you know what these words mean :D. Thanks for thinking about me sweetie and for all the good words you said there!!!
When I'm in a down I like to think that the next will be an up :D :D
so sorry that this is late but i hope you are feeling better from whatever happened a few weeks ago. chin up!
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