Monday, February 18, 2008

Music Monday - "She's a Brick House" - The Commodores

For other tales of musical adventure, please visit Soccer Mom in Denial.

Okay, so I'm not proud of this one. But in the interests of honesty, and the interests of continuing my high-school-themed Flashback Friday, I had to include this.

Take my bedroom - Senior Year. I'm trying on my best Jordache jeans or anything else that will be so tight that I'll spend most of the evening inhaling, without breathing out once. I'm finding some sort of madras top or something with peasant lacing. Or maybe I'm wearing something with shiny fabric. Maybe something with glitter.

Or maybe the glitter is part of my eyeshadow or my cheeks.

There was nothing that got me as pumped as hearing those first beats and that shrieking whistle that starts this incredibly sexist, but-oh-so-danceable, strut.

So, for all those other closet (or not) disco queens out there, I give you below the one, the only: BRICK HOUSE

Party on!


anno said...

Does DH know about this?

Anonymous said...

Haha. Great song, but I have to say I HATED 80s jeans. I mean, talk about some serious discomfort... and I'm not talking about sucking in the tummy. lol

Goofball said...

oooh next time there's a "wrong party" around, I'll have to invite you. disco music, schlager music, country's all labeled 'wrong music' here and it's INCREDIBLY popular again. There's each day an hour of 'wrong' music on a popular radio station, once a year there's an all day long wrong hitchart, there's wrong CD's...and there's wrong parties where your outfits would fit in perfectly :p

btw....I enjoy disco music very much.

painted maypole said...

such a great song!

did you see muppets from space? They dance to this (for the opening credits, me thinks) and then kermit says "we get down with our bad selves" it's HYSTERICAL!

when we lived in LA I used to go to this dance club where every Friday night the "disco pimps" sang great 70s funk... and ALWAYS this song.

Luisa Perkins said...

This song is a guilty favorite of mine--great for starting a workout.

"Shake it down, shake it down now...."

glamah16 said...

My family used to sing that song about me. :-)

Madam Crunchypants said...

Teeeheeeeeeeee! I'm sorry, I'm giggling about the glitter.

Anonymous said...

I have loved this song ever since I saw Kurt Browning skate to it during Stars on Ice (I think that's what it was called...Scott Hamilton started it).

Mariposa said...

Hahaha, I'm a fan of the 80s but I think only as far as music is concern...don't like the hair and jeans too! LOL

nyc/caribbean ragazza said...

This is one of the great funk songs of all times!

Sister Sassy said...

Were the pin striped jeans?

Mariposa said...

Back to give you my Excellent Award! ;)

Alex Elliot said...

I really like that song!

Marianne Arkins said...

I once worked at a bar that had "Disco Inferno" night... and there were three songs that, whenever they played, we all had to run to the dance floor and dance to them.

"Brick House" was one. LOL...

Becky said...

Jen, "Brick House" is one of my all time faves....sexist or not. When I hit the PLAY button, I got into serious chair dancing, with head movements and all!

Love ya,


Wholly Burble said...

I was raising kids in the eighties--they might have heard this song--I think I lost out after they left the Sesame Street hig parade days LOL. Anyway, I cannot remember hearing this song before--don't be too startled, I missed a lot of things in the eighties. I was raising two kids, had a hubby going through back surgery and a very long painful recovery, and I was taking classes and then teaching at the university.

Glad you have great memories of this song and that era--I'll keep checking in with you and find out what else I've missed.

Anonymous said...

My husband made up a parody of this song. It's about constipation. I can't hear it without thinking of that.

Thanks, Dave for ruining a groove.

Jenn in Holland said...

Oh, the blue eye shadow days...

Love it!!