I truly appreciate each and every one of them.
Things are going relatively well, so far. After taking stock of my mother, how much help she has in NYC from friends, etc., and the sheer number of tasks that need to get done, I know I will be taking more trips there than I had anticipated, but fortunately, the airfares are actually amazingly cheap right now, and all of the other trips will be between semesters for me, so I'm delighted with that.
My mother's spirits are remarkable, all things considered. She's working hard to make tough decisions, and she's taking in her friends' sorrow without succumbing to feeling maudlin or depressed herself.
I'm sure she'll collapse once she hits Ann Arbor, but for now, she's been amazing. I'm truly in awe of her.
The bad news is that the computer situation in NYC is ... um... not good. Long story short, I can't really get internet on my laptop, and my mother's computer is such an antique that doing anything like reading blogs that have ANY load time whatsoever becomes a ridiculous task. Even bringing up my own blog is close to impossible.
So I'll be disappearing a bit from time to time, both as a writer and a reader.
I'm still working on my Proposal 8 post, and I hope to post that today or tomorrow.
In the meantime, I again want to extend my thanks to all the well wishes and especially to Amy of Write Brained and Nuria of Spanish Recipes. I was delighted to return and find this lovely award from Amy:

Here are the rules:
1) Add the logo of the award to your blog.
2) Add a link to the person who awarded it to you.
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4) Add links to those blogs on your blog.
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.
I've decided to nominate blogs who are trying to create positive change in this confused world of ours by making us consider:
Greg of Scribble in the Margins - Greg pushes us to think about government tactics and to go beyond simply accepting what the mainstream media might have to say on a specific issue.
April of It's All About Balance - April has many passions, all of which include fairness and the rights of all to receive decent treatment.
Jointly to Lilac Specs of Lilac Colored Glasses and Hotmamamia of The Pittsburgh Deli - in this mother/daughter team, despite having different blogs with different emphases, it's clear that Hotmama's care for others and general sense of justice and fairness has been passed on to Lilac - AND vice versa. ;-)
Chani of Finding My Way Home - Chani reminds us to slow down, think about what we're doing, and to search for compassion.
Jointly to Carol of Northwest Ladybug and Sarabeth of I Once Was HP - both Carol and Sarabeth were tireless in their reminders about the presidential campaign - Carol in terms of news items, etc., about Obama and Sarabeth in her reminders to vote. And yes, many, many others could be included in this category, but both of these bloggers caught my attention with their clear writing and tenacity.
Jointly to Jenn of Something To Say About Life in the Netherlands and Brillig of Twas Brillig - Both Jenn and Brillig have written touching and informative posts about autism and current autism treatment, programs, etc.
Jami of Not That Different - Jami reminds us to consider the rights of ALL U.S. citizens and to remember that different viewpoints or lifestyles are just that - different - not better or worse. An important reminder at all times.
And these lovely awards from Nuria:

She did not post rules with these, except to say that they needed to be given together. Okay... so I'm randomly choosing the number 7 again and I've chosen blogs that are causing my muse to sing these days:
Anno of Anno's Place - I believe Anno's taken some kind of writing pills lately - her poetry is magnificent, as well as inspiring.
Peter of Cookblog - Peter has a wicked sense of humor, as well as a superb eye and palate. His food concoctions are extraordinarily creative and often served on his pottery, which is truly organic and just fabulous. I have no more to say.
Sandy of Momisodes - Sandy inspires me with both her words and her photos every. single. day. She seems to have a bottomless well of creativity.
Diana of Diana:Muse - Diana's stunning images, along with her insights into both artists and politics leave me breathless.
Jointly to NYC/Caribbean Ragazza and Michelle of Bleeding Espresso - While there are several blogs that do this, the unique take that both Michelle and NYC have on their lives in Italy make me both yearn and dream.
Jointly to Jenn of The Leftover Queen and Ben of What's Cooking - Both Jenn and Ben use their love of food to build community - a talent that nourishes both my kitchen and my soul.
Becca of Becca's Byline - Becca not only provides her lovely observations through her "bylines", but she also runs a number of activities for writers, and it's for her inspiration to so many that I include her here.
Happy reading! I will slowly, but surely, be catching up in the next few days.
Thank you for thinking of me. :)
I'm glad to know your mother is adjusting well and that everything seems to be perking along.
I'll be back for your Prop 8 post.
Lovely words to all of these deserving bloggers Jen. Congratulalions on the awards..so well deserved. I can see that you are very busy with your moms move, etc but I have tagged you for an event if you the time to bake bread:D
So happy to hear your mom is doing well; we'll miss you for a little while, but we'll be here when you get back :)
And thank you, thank you for the award, especially for pairing me with NYC/Caribbean ragazza; I can't imagine a better blogger to share it with!
Looking forward to the Prop 8 post. I was wondering if the NYC trip for for your mother...I seem to have no memories these days so sorry for missing that. I know you did tell me.
Glad your mom is doing well, I hope she continues to do so. :)
Well thanks so much for the nod!
And glad to hear all is well with your mom.
Jen, you spoil me. Thank you.
Glad to hear things are moving along. And you know I'm just dying for your prop 8 post!
Chani, I've really been impressed by her fortitude.
Val - let me come over and see - I plan to start catching up this morning. I actually baked bread this morning - both for economics and for comfort. ;-)
Michelle, you and NYC brighten my day always - you both have such different perspective, but I believe you have similar hearts.
Sassy - thanks so much! I didn't even step foot more than a block away from my mom's apt. These aren't going to really be NYC trips, sadly.
Lilac, thanks for all your wonderful posts! I'm glad she's doing well, too.
I'm glad everything's going mostly ok. Once it's all over, you'll feel so relieved :)
April, I don't spoil you any more than you deserve. ;)
Thanks so much for the good wishes, Brittany! I hope you've had a good week.
I'm glad that your mom is doing okay.
Welcom back! You've been missed.
And thanks so much for the nomination and award!
Given my near luddite ways I seem to be incapable of getting the award visible on my blog. Gunfighter graciously gave me an award some time ago, and I fiddled with the thing for weeks, failing to get it to post.
That being the case, I'll remain grateful to you for mention of my blog on your own wonderful blog, and accept the award, but sadly will not be displaying it.
So glad to hear that your mother is feeling positive about this move. Attitude is everything. I hope it makes those trips easier for you.
And thanks for including me in this list of wonderful writers, some old favorites, and some I'm looking forward to exploring.
As ever, looking forward to your every post.
Dru - thanks... I'm relieved, too.
Greg - I'll e-mail you - I'm a luddite, too, but I can manage these - they're easy. Truly.
Anno - I had to do SOMETHING to bring attention to your wonderful poetry!
I'm glad things are moving along with your mom. I'm so glad you posted. I've missed you!
I'm so glad things are going well!
I love your award list... these are all such amazing bloggers who deserve ever bit of recognition they get!
jen, glad to hear things are going well with your mom.
Thank you for the shout out and for pairing me up with Michelle. You know how I feel about Ms. Bleeding Espresso. :)
Looking forward to your return.
girl, but you're in NY! how freakin' fantastic. what i'd do to be there. hoping the transition goes well! Be safe and eat really well!
Awesome awards for an awesome blogger!
Well done Jen!
Leslie, thanks for the kind words - I've missed you, too! Can't wait to catch up with you and Grimm. ;-)
Virtual, thanks so much! We're certainly rich in wonderful bloggers.
Bren, my problem is that when I'm in NYC, I'm generally just in my Mom's apt. because she needs LOTS of help right now. I don't really have time to play, sadly.
NYC, I think you have a mutual admiration society there with Michelle.
Grimm - see my note to Leslie - and thanks!
I'm glad to hear your mom is doing well, but don't worry about the internet in NY. Have some fun.
Hi, sorry I've been out of the loop for a bit. I have to go back and read a few posts to see what's going on with you these days.
I hope on one of your trips to NYC, we get to meet up.
THANK YOU so much for the award! It means a lot!!!! I'm glad all went well with your mom and she will do ALRIGHT cause she has you in her corner. Lilacspecs and I will be thinking about you as we chat our nights away (TOGETHER IN BELGIUM!) this weekend!!!!!
Congratulations on your awards, Jen! Well deserved...
And thank you so much for your support and kind words. It means a great deal coming from a writer I respect as much as I do you.
You and your mom are in my thoughts as you go through this transition time. I've been there :)
So nice to hear that things are going well with your mom. I know that's a LOT Of changes. Keep us updated when you can! Hugs!
Thanks, Jen. You're too kind. When I have time I'm going to click through to those who I'm not familiar with.
Jen, thank you so much for thinking of me and your kind words. I am honored to receive this from you.
I'm glad to hear you mother is taking everything in stride. Still keeping you all in my thoughts.
From one often lurker to another soon to join (at least temporarily) I say welcome!
Thanks so much for sharing this award with me, you are truly a gem. And now, as always, I appreciate you deeply. It's great to know you Jen!
Wow... I'm late getting back to folks!
Meg... um, fun? Thanks, but mostly I'm stuck in the apt., helping Mom - internet would be a WELCOME distraction!
Dingo - I'm planning to get in touch - I'd love to meet up, but at the moment, I'm just seeing what Mom's needs are, but I might be freer in Dec. or early Jan, if either of those works.
HotMama - you both so deserve it and have a WONDERFUL time!
Peter - you're so welcome. Particularly check out Diana:Muse - her style is really different from what I've seen of yours, but I think you'd find her images and commentary fascinating.
Oops... skipped a bit - Becca, I just thank you for all the community-building you do.
Los Angelista - thanks for the kind words and warm wishes. They are very appreciated.
Momisodes, thanks so much for the kind words, especially with all you have on your plate right now!
Jenn, as I appreciate YOU!
glad to hear the move is well. and I'd take any excuse to go to NYC, particularly when it's all decorated for Christmas!
Jen, I'm reminded again that your generosity knows no bounds. What a happy, unexpected surprise. Given my lax, erratic blogging behaviors, the mention is undeserved, but certainly appreciated. And the good company is loveliness.
Glad to know that there's gradual, but significant, progress on the moving mom front.
PM - you bring up a good point - I will definitely have to do some downtown wandering at some point during one of the visits.
Oh, Diana, you sell yourself short! Plus, you really do give me daily inspiration with your posts. Some of your visuals have helped enormously with my writing.
Just catching up, and Im glad you are working it out. It seems to be all in control.
OMG -- you must have known what I was thinking... or read my post about feeling so blog-lonely!! ;-)
Thanks SO much! I will pay it forward next week!
Carol, truly, you did such a fabulous job of blogging clearly through the whole last couple of months of the election and you dealt so well with the occasional snipers, etc. It was brilliant!
Hi Jen,
Thank you for your mention and the award. That's just so kind. In an odd way, I have to give some of the credit to a rather rabid conservative who spurred me to, well, converse with him regarding the issues and the personalities. He would make me so incredibly mad that I had to find calm to get my point across. He also got me to reading and looking for information in lots of places.
My apologies for being so behind on noticing. That whole NaNoWriMo got me off track.
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